Saturday, September 11, 2010

::Snippets:: I'm sensing a trend...

While sorting through my Facebook quotes (yeah, I have to sort through them, because I have way too many...that's an issue for another time), I realized I had some pretty angsty song lyrics and quotes goin' on up in there. I guess I had some rough teen years?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

::Snippets:: I love it

Isn't it amazing how a song can instantly take you back to an extremely specific place and time? Or is that just me?

Monday, September 6, 2010

::Snippets:: But I'm really a generally happy person!

I've realized that my musical preferences over the years, though they've changed, have really just progressed from one angsty artist to another.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

::Snippets:: Fighting internet addiction one skipped YouTube subscription at a time

Sometimes, I'm too obsessive compulsive to not read every blog post in my Google reader and watch every video in my YouTube subscriptions.

I'm working on that.