Sunday, October 17, 2010

Time for a change

Because 12:50 AM on a Sunday morning seems like a great time to start a new blog!

Due to the fact that my schedule is absolutely packed, I have decided to try out a new blogging platform.

I'm hoping that by using tumblr, I will be able to post shorter posts on a more consistent basis, as opposed to my current sporadic writings on my Blogger account.

This is not to say that I will not return to Blogger in the future, but at this time in my life, I just don't have the time or energy to maintain this blog. So, from now on, you can look for my awesome thoughts and Internet finds here!

Your patience is much appreciated as I learn my way around the new platform. ;)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Old English

Thanks to Dweebist for these. I think we should spend more time rewording pop culture songs and phrases into Old English. It would provide endless entertainment.

This next one only makes sense if you have seen this:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Takes me back

I absolutely love these rag rugs from Desire to Inspire. They remind my of my grandma's house.

This one, being white and all, just looks like a dirt magnet:

This one's kinda classy I think (I mean, for a rag rug):

Saturday, September 11, 2010

::Snippets:: I'm sensing a trend...

While sorting through my Facebook quotes (yeah, I have to sort through them, because I have way too many...that's an issue for another time), I realized I had some pretty angsty song lyrics and quotes goin' on up in there. I guess I had some rough teen years?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

::Snippets:: I love it

Isn't it amazing how a song can instantly take you back to an extremely specific place and time? Or is that just me?

Monday, September 6, 2010

::Snippets:: But I'm really a generally happy person!

I've realized that my musical preferences over the years, though they've changed, have really just progressed from one angsty artist to another.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

::Snippets:: Fighting internet addiction one skipped YouTube subscription at a time

Sometimes, I'm too obsessive compulsive to not read every blog post in my Google reader and watch every video in my YouTube subscriptions.

I'm working on that.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I'll cut right to the chase:

For those of you who don't know, I've recently (as in, the last two weeks) made a relatively significant (no need to blow things out of proportion here!) life decision. And before you say it, no, I'm not running off to join the circus. I am, however, changing my major. Now, you're probably thinking one of the following things:
a) Could you have possibly done this any closer to the start of the semester?
My response: Yes, I probably could have. Those academic advisors are pretty magical, you know!
b) I didn't even know you were thinking about changing your major! I can't believe you didn't tell me!
My response: I didn't really feel the need to inform the masses the minute I decided. I'm not looking for tabloid coverage here.
c) Why wouldn't you run off and join the circus!?
My response: Well, I
have always wanted to try the trapeze, but I'm not sure I could handle the clowns.

Ok, but in all seriousness, I didn't feel like me changing my major was breaking news, so I didn't really want to make some big deal about it. However, I do feel like I owe it to people to let them know, rather than just mysteriously falling off the face of the College-of-Music-earth (though I do like a bit of mystery, don't you?). So I wrote this little blog post, because I like to communicate through the Internet, and I felt that it was as good a platform as any.

So there you have it folks, I am no longer a Music major! I'm not going to go into all the gory details right now, but feel free to ask me next time you see me. I will say (because I know you're just dying to know) that I am now an Interior Design major with a Music minor. And you'll probably still see me around the College of Music. Just not 24 hours a day.

So there you have it! Big life change wrapped up into one small-ish, (semi) witty blog post!

Take it or leave it.

Note: After midnight, I cannot be held accountable for my inability to wrap-up my blog posts in an appropriate way.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh, sister!

via iChat:

Kimmy: my eyes look sweet in this pic
Me: If you do say so yourself
Kimmy: and I do
Kimmy: I have black eyes
Me: Black like the color of EVIL
Kimmy: like sweet evil
Me: sweet, sweet evil
Kimmy: indeed

Thursday, August 12, 2010

::Snippets:: Pet peeve

It really bugs me when you ("you" being any one of the many members of society whom I'm sure are guilty of this offense, but especially the people who share my bathroom, a.k.a. my sisters):
1) Use up the conditioner before the shampoo.
2) Start using the new conditioner while still using up the last of the old shampoo - this will only compound the problem and make it worse.

It really gets my goat (whatever that even means)!