Saturday, August 28, 2010


I'll cut right to the chase:

For those of you who don't know, I've recently (as in, the last two weeks) made a relatively significant (no need to blow things out of proportion here!) life decision. And before you say it, no, I'm not running off to join the circus. I am, however, changing my major. Now, you're probably thinking one of the following things:
a) Could you have possibly done this any closer to the start of the semester?
My response: Yes, I probably could have. Those academic advisors are pretty magical, you know!
b) I didn't even know you were thinking about changing your major! I can't believe you didn't tell me!
My response: I didn't really feel the need to inform the masses the minute I decided. I'm not looking for tabloid coverage here.
c) Why wouldn't you run off and join the circus!?
My response: Well, I
have always wanted to try the trapeze, but I'm not sure I could handle the clowns.

Ok, but in all seriousness, I didn't feel like me changing my major was breaking news, so I didn't really want to make some big deal about it. However, I do feel like I owe it to people to let them know, rather than just mysteriously falling off the face of the College-of-Music-earth (though I do like a bit of mystery, don't you?). So I wrote this little blog post, because I like to communicate through the Internet, and I felt that it was as good a platform as any.

So there you have it folks, I am no longer a Music major! I'm not going to go into all the gory details right now, but feel free to ask me next time you see me. I will say (because I know you're just dying to know) that I am now an Interior Design major with a Music minor. And you'll probably still see me around the College of Music. Just not 24 hours a day.

So there you have it! Big life change wrapped up into one small-ish, (semi) witty blog post!

Take it or leave it.

Note: After midnight, I cannot be held accountable for my inability to wrap-up my blog posts in an appropriate way.