Friday, August 21, 2009

My Life Is Average

Quite possibly the most entertaining website in the world. Mostly because a lot of the stories are about people who are as big of dorks as I am! Here are a few of my favorites from tonight's perusal of

Today, I found out Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 comes out on my birthday. I am now going to spend my 21st birthday with Harry instead of getting drunk. I still think this will be the best day ever. MLIA
Personally, I think this is a better way to spend your 21st birthday than getting wasted.

Today, I mentally replaced each room in my house with the name of a location in Hogwarts. When my younger brother asked me where the remote was, I told him to check the Gryffindor commonroom. He knew exactly where to go. I've raised him well. MLIA
I must admit, I considered the idea for a while after reading this.

Today I found out that Command+Ctrl+Option+8 on a Mac switches the display to negative colors. The librarians at school have yet to figure out how to change them back. MLIA
This is just straight up an awesome/fun thing to do for yourself. Although, I do want to try to trick someone else...

Today my mom called Dell to check on the status of her order. They could not help her because their computers were down. I laughed. MLIA.
Proving once again that Macs are better!

Today, after reading several MLIA's about people configuring speech recognition on their MacBooks, I decided to try it for myself. My laptop now responds to the name Megatron. My life is complete. MLIA
Hilarious. Now I need to think of an awesome name for my computer and do this.

Today, my roommate and I were leaving a restaurant when she saw a friend of hers walking in with a guy and stopped to talk to him. The friend's companion and I didn't know each other so I decided to throw my arms out and yell "Oh my God, I haven't seen you in so long!". Instead of being confused, the guy immediately responded with an "I know, right?!" and a hug. We started making up false stories about how I once broke his mother's hip with a trampoline. I have met my soulmate. MLIA.
You've gotta love someone who can go along with a joke!

Today was my first year of the new semester of college. I'd read reviews about one of my professor being on the mean side, and was terrified. When I came into the room, not only was he dressed as Snape, but every time somebody answered a question he'd yell, "TEN POINTS FROM GRIFFINDOR." MLIA.
I would be ecstatic if this happened to me. haha.

Today I was reading "100 Reasons Twilight is better than Harry Potter" (which isn't true in the slightest), and one person said that Twilight was better because it was real. I think somebody needs to have a reality check. MLIA.

Well, I think I should stop now, because this could go on forever. If you have a free moment, or need to lift your spirits, I highly suggest MLIA. I literally laugh out loud.
Check it out!!!