Monday, May 31, 2010

No fricken way!

These are awesome!

Oh, and this one also made me very happy:

And this one's funny too:

(via Dweebist)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

::Snippets:: You're only the victim if you let yourself be... be quite honest, blaming the boys gets a little old after a while. We can't deny that, as girls, we are capable of the same thing, of not worse.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

::Snippets:: Just remember...

...nobody's perfect.
Not you, not me.
So stop expecting anyone to be.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

::Snippets:: The internet is a double edged sword...

I love the internet as much as anyone. The ability to look up any information at a moment's notice is amazing. But sometimes, I feel like I encounter so much fascinating information that there is no way I will remember it all, and even if I bookmark it/write it down/type it up, I will never put it all to use.

I guess, if I never think about it again, maybe it's not as important as I think it is.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Too true

“Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.”
— Samuel Butler

At least, in my experience anyway.

::Snippets:: Sometimes I stop...

...and realize how incredibly blessed I am. And this realization moves me close to tears.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

::Snippets:: If my 12-year-old self could see me now...

...what would she think? Would she be proud, impressed. . .disappointed, confused? I wonder...


A blogger I follow has been doing this thing the past few weeks where she just writes very short, one or two sentence posts on a single subject.

I like the idea of having (extremely) short, concise posts that get the point across quickly. This is especially good for me considering I tend to ramble on here. It's sort of like Twitter, only the updates will be less frequent, therefore they won't disappear as quickly (I feel like it's so easy to miss things on Twitter).

Anyway, so that's what I'm going to be trying for a while on here. Short and sweet (or maybe not so sweet). I haven't really felt up to/had time to spend writing full posts lately anyway, so this will be a good way to keep updating without having to expend the energy to write longer posts.

I'm also gonna try a new way to end my longer posts (also from Lyndsights), since I always feel like I suck at conclusions.

Listening to: the sound of the TV and the dryer coming from the laundry room

On my mind: Summer classes start tomorrow and I still don't have a job! Yikes.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Five TV Shows I've Seen Every Episode Of

Saw this on a friend's tumblr, and I figured, why not? It's short enough, it's easy enough. So here goes:

1. Ugly Betty
2. Friday Night Lights
3. The OC
4. 90210
5. Gossip Girl

Wow, I didn't think I would come up with five, but there are even a few more:

Glee (just started this year, so it barely counts)
The Deep End and Conviction (both lasted less than a full season, so sad)

Ok, I think that's it.

Home Sweet Home

This is my future home.

Just sayin'.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

I love you mom! :D