Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This kid does not look nearly old enough to have a voice like this:

(via Tyler Knott)

For the record (a rant)

"Wavy hair" does not mean taking some girl with straight hair and adding some kinky, curling-iron "waves."

I'm so sick of never being able to find a decent picture of a person with my hair type (a.k.a. truly, genetically-created wavy hair).

Any time I try to look up wavy hair, I get something like this:
(via Marie Claire, the first search engine result this time around)

This girl does NOT have wavy hair. She has kinky hair. She has almost-straight hair that someone scrunched with some product to make it look "wavy."

THIS is wavy hair:
(it's also a highly edited picture of me, but try to ignore that part).

Real wavy hair is wild, crazy, and unruly. It's a blessing (if that's what you call everyone fawning over your hair because, "it's natural!?") and a curse (wave hair is not cool in middle school, and it takes a long time to straighten).

So, I've pretty much lost my train of thought now, and I have no idea what my point was going to be. What started out as a short post about the injustice of the lack of photo-resources for wavy-maned folks like me turned into a full on rant.

Any way, I guess my point is, I'm pretty much on my own when it comes to how to cut and style my hair, because the fashion/hair world has left me high and dry.

On a hair-related note, have you ever noticed how all hairstyles in "hairstyle" magazines look like they're from the late 90's or early 2000s? Seriously, next time you're near a magazine section, pick up one about hairstyles, and I guarantee, 90% will be some variation of the Kate Gosselin reverse mullet. No lie.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Animal Music!

I was never much of a fan of America's Funniest Home videos. However, I think I might have enjoyed it more if people had written songs to go with the videos. Enjoy:

Seriously, how freaked out must that little girl be when all those raccoons are chasing her?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

::Snippets:: Oh, I didn't know we were talking about you

It bugs me when people say "well I wouldn't do it that way." Apparently, this other person would, so in the future, you should probably try to remember that the entire world is not made up of your clones.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

::Snippets:: Maybe it's just me

But, sometimes I could seriously explode from being so annoyed with people. Maybe this goes back to the whole hostility thing. I can't even explain it, but if you've experienced it, you understand what I'm saying here.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

::Snippets:: I guess that's a good thing

In my developmental psych class, we learned about the difference between hostility (wanting to hurt someone) and aggression (actually hurting someone). I realized I'm pretty high on the hostility-o-meter, but relatively low on the aggression-o-meter (based on my own analysis). Basically, a lot of times, I wish I could just punch people. But I don't.

Monday, June 7, 2010

::Snippets:: Perspective

I learned today that Japanese people are "less unrealistically optimistic" than Americans. This means they are optimistic, but within reason. I have always considered myself quite realistically optimistic. That may make me part Japanese. Or it may just mean that I have a little bit of what I like to call (un)common sense.

Friday, June 4, 2010

More Dweeby wonderfulness

I probably shouldn't be surprised that these exist. But I am, a little. I also kind of want them:

I have also found my new life moto:

(via Dweebist)

Also, my readership is up! My parents may just be stalking me more than normal, but if you're reading this and you didn't contribute to my genetic make-up, THANKS! You're awesome!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

::Snippets:: Discretion

Some people have it, some people wish they did, and some people are completely clueless as to what the word even means.

::Snippets:: I understand that you "care"

but sometimes, I just don't really feel like being interrogated about my life.

::Snippets:: I'm not ashamed

So stop trying to make me feel like there's something wrong with who I am.