Tuesday, June 15, 2010

For the record (a rant)

"Wavy hair" does not mean taking some girl with straight hair and adding some kinky, curling-iron "waves."

I'm so sick of never being able to find a decent picture of a person with my hair type (a.k.a. truly, genetically-created wavy hair).

Any time I try to look up wavy hair, I get something like this:
(via Marie Claire, the first search engine result this time around)

This girl does NOT have wavy hair. She has kinky hair. She has almost-straight hair that someone scrunched with some product to make it look "wavy."

THIS is wavy hair:
(it's also a highly edited picture of me, but try to ignore that part).

Real wavy hair is wild, crazy, and unruly. It's a blessing (if that's what you call everyone fawning over your hair because, "it's natural!?") and a curse (wave hair is not cool in middle school, and it takes a long time to straighten).

So, I've pretty much lost my train of thought now, and I have no idea what my point was going to be. What started out as a short post about the injustice of the lack of photo-resources for wavy-maned folks like me turned into a full on rant.

Any way, I guess my point is, I'm pretty much on my own when it comes to how to cut and style my hair, because the fashion/hair world has left me high and dry.

On a hair-related note, have you ever noticed how all hairstyles in "hairstyle" magazines look like they're from the late 90's or early 2000s? Seriously, next time you're near a magazine section, pick up one about hairstyles, and I guarantee, 90% will be some variation of the Kate Gosselin reverse mullet. No lie.