Monday, September 28, 2009

Social Relevance

Why do I have a twitter? Do I "tweet" because I think it makes me socially relevant? Do I blog/vlog to be socially relevant? If I do, then I clearly have failed at social relevance because few to no people read my blog/watch my vlogs/read my tweets. What is social relevance anyways? I have friends. Does that count? And why did I feel the need to talk about this right now?

Well, I was thinking about twitter, and I was thinking about why I had a twitter and then I was thinking yeah, why DO I have a twitter? Then somehow this term "social relevance" popped into my head, and a blog post was born.

I'm not sure where I heard this term, but I feel like it was floating around out there in cyber space or on TV or something. And I feel like it is the motivation behind most people's blogs/vlogs/tweets/Facebook updates/any other activity on the internet. I mean, if we didn't think we had something to gain by using the myriad different social networking tools out there, why would we use them? Because we can't deny, humans are selfish beings. Most of the things we do are motivated by the desire to serve ourselves.

So I am going to be the first one to admit that, yes, I think a lot of the motivation behind my blogs/vlogs/tweets/etc. is my attempt to try and achieve this conceptual "social relevance." It's lame, I know. But you know you do it to. In an age where everyone is all over the internet, it's easy to feel like we have to be everywhere, in every media, in order to keep from being left in the proverbial dust. The real question I have now is, now that I've realized my problem, where do I go from here? Do I stop my blog/vlog/tweet-fest? I don't really want to. I kind of enjoy it. It's somewhat cathartic. Yet at the same time, it just feeds my need to feel accepted, approved of, and all those other things like that.

So I guess what I'm saying is, I'm not really sure what the next step is. I feel like I should change something, but I don't really want to. What do you think (isn't it great how I always address my non-existent readers)? Do the pros outweigh the cons? I'm not sure myself, but it's definitely something I will be pondering over the next few days/weeks/months. If you're reading this, let me know your thoughts. What kinds of social media do you use? And what do you think your motivations are for using them? I'd love to hear some other perspectives on this!


Eustacia said...

So I was like the first person I know to get a Twitter, and I was really excited to become "socially relevant", but I had to quit because the only people that followed me were people that wanted me to "visit their websites and look at the pictures." Vlogs/Blogs are, in my opinion a completely different story. Even if only a few people will read this or watch you latest vlog, it is still a good way to express your thoughts, and you have good ones haha. So I say keep blogging/vlogging, and eventually people will start to catch on, and even if they don't, who cares. It's a good way to keep your brain active. Who needs to be socially relevant anyway? I for one have no idea what that means.