Friday, April 30, 2010

Mouse Trap Never Works?

Check out this hilarious parody of OK Go's music video for "This Too Shall Pass" (there is some "language" but it's bleeped out):

I would just like to say that, for the record I did actually play the game and put it together piece by piece (although, I was usually the only one who liked to play that way, everyone else just wanted to set up the machine). What can I say? I was a rule-follower.

Minute to Win It

My favorite awkward celebrity on my favorite new game show? You bet I'll be watching this!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Powerful Stuff

In case you weren't aware (and if you know me at all, you are most certainly aware), I am a huge fan of Donald Miller. This video is from a DVD series for small groups called Convergence that he is the host of. The DVDs cover many different topics, but in this particular clip, Don and his guests Dr. Dan Allender and Dr. Tremper Longman talk about suffering, and the misconception that once we accept Christ as our Savior our lives will become perfect and problem-free. I know I often fall into the trap of believing that my life should be easy because of my relationship with Jesus, and it's always helpful to be reminded that that just is not the case!

Frustration and False Gods from All Things Converge on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


So, I pretty much went into shock the minute this tiny girl opened her mouth and produced a sound that sounded like it should be coming out of someone at least twice her age. And as if that's not enough, she wrote the song herself! Watch and be amazed (and perhaps slightly depressed about your own lack of talent, I know I was)!

(via Andrew's Blog)

She & Him

I have a confession to make: despite being a fan of Zooey Deschanel and her musical style, I have never really looked into or tried to listen to any of the music by her band She & Him. However, I came across this music video, and, of course, I loved it!
Not only is Zooey looking as cute as ever, this is probably one of the best music videos I have seen in a while. I can't remember if I have discussed my feelings on music videos on this blog before, but I'll keep it short and sweet: I think most music videos these days are terrible. Either they don't have any sort of plot or theme, or the story they do have has nothing to do with the song.

This music video for "In The Sun" by She and Him, does not suffer from either of these qualities. It is simple, fun, and has some great choreography. In the description it says that Zooey describes Volume 2 as a "feel good album," and this video definitely captures that essence!

Friday, April 16, 2010


For those of you who were not already aware, I am a cat person. Dogs are nice, but sometimes they are just too friendly. While I'm all about catching Frisbees and having fun, anyone who knows me well knows that my inner-most personality is much more like that of a cat.

Anyway, enough comparing myself to animals, this is getting weird.

The point is, I really want a cat. I am also unable to get a cat, for many reasons, a few being: my dad is allergic, my family is generally not cat fans, and cats aren't allowed in dorm rooms.

Now, I know people have their issues with cats, but I mean, look at this adorable creature:Can you honestly tell me you wouldn't want a cute little fur ball like this one rolling around your room?

Another reason cats are better than dogs is that they are way more self-reliant. Dogs need so much attention! Not so with cats! They don't need to be taken for walks, they learn to go to the bathroom in a litter box, and they aren't trying to play with you ever minute of the day. The only pet easier to take care of than a cat is a goldfish (which really might actually be harder to take care of - have you ever tried to keep one of those things alive?).

I know most of the people reading this (if anyone reads it in the first place) will be dog people, and you know what, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with loving dogs! All I'm saying is that you've got to stop hating on the cats! What did they ever do to you?

And on a last note, when I do have a cat someday, it's going to be a genius like this one:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Rob Bell is amazing.

As we are coming up to finals, I think we all need a reminder to breathe, and I don't think there could be a better one that this right here:

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wht didn't I think of this?

This is totally something I could have thought of. I could have been rich!

I think my favorite part is the attorney's argument in response to North Face's lawsuit: "the consuming public is well aware of the difference between a face and a butt ... "


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blondes have more fun...and make more money!

According to this article in The Daily Telegraph, blondes are more financially successful than women of other hair colors. Being a blonde myself, this could not be better news! Not only, according to researchers, do they get paid seven percent more, they also marry wealthier men. This is wonderful to hear, since I have always planned on marrying a millionaire! ;)

Apparently, there is also an organization known as the International Blondes Association, the president of which was interviewed for this article. While her explanations for this anomaly are, well, very stereotypical "blonde" answers, I can't help but wonder how much truth there is to them.

On another note (and another article), reports that college-educated women drink more than women who don't pursue higher education. These women, the article reports, also tend to wait longer to settle down and have kids, and tend to work in fields dominated by men. Personally, I think these are all signs pointing to feminists who are trying to keep up with the boys - including, apparently, their ability to hold their liquor. But that's just me!


Now THIS is cool! In the description it says it took them 7 hours to get a good take!
