Friday, April 16, 2010


For those of you who were not already aware, I am a cat person. Dogs are nice, but sometimes they are just too friendly. While I'm all about catching Frisbees and having fun, anyone who knows me well knows that my inner-most personality is much more like that of a cat.

Anyway, enough comparing myself to animals, this is getting weird.

The point is, I really want a cat. I am also unable to get a cat, for many reasons, a few being: my dad is allergic, my family is generally not cat fans, and cats aren't allowed in dorm rooms.

Now, I know people have their issues with cats, but I mean, look at this adorable creature:Can you honestly tell me you wouldn't want a cute little fur ball like this one rolling around your room?

Another reason cats are better than dogs is that they are way more self-reliant. Dogs need so much attention! Not so with cats! They don't need to be taken for walks, they learn to go to the bathroom in a litter box, and they aren't trying to play with you ever minute of the day. The only pet easier to take care of than a cat is a goldfish (which really might actually be harder to take care of - have you ever tried to keep one of those things alive?).

I know most of the people reading this (if anyone reads it in the first place) will be dog people, and you know what, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with loving dogs! All I'm saying is that you've got to stop hating on the cats! What did they ever do to you?

And on a last note, when I do have a cat someday, it's going to be a genius like this one: