Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of the year, end of the decade

For those of you who already follow me on twitter, the following statement will sound familiar.

I still remember, very vividly, being ten, and having someone tell me "you're a decade old!" It is absolutely insane to me that I am (in 7 months) going to be TWO decades old! Where has the time gone? I cannot believe that on my next birthday I will be turning 20. I certainly don't feel mature enough for that. Even now, 20 sounds so old. Ten years ago, people who were twenty were adults. They were mature. Do the ten-year-olds I know know look at me that way? I certainly don't look at myself that way.

The end of a decade. It's a weird thing to wrap your head around. Ten years. A lot happens in ten years. I grew up in those ten years. I came into this decade a child, and I came out an adult (well, kinda, see previous paragraph). But even more important than all the changes that happened in the past 10 years, I want to take this chance to say one more time how much my life has changed in this single year, 2009.

If you are a loyal reader of my blog, first of all, thank you, and second of all, I'm sorry, because you've heard all this before. This year, 2009, has been, probably, to use the current vernacular, the most epic year of my life. It's weird to think that in January 2009, not that long ago in the scope of things, I was going to school in Ohio. Exactly a year ago, on New Years Eve, I made the decision to transfer back to MSU. One of the hardest decisions of my life. I was full of uncertainty about the whole thing, but here I am a year later, and I can proudly say that it is impossible for me to be happier with my decision. So that was the big thing that happened to me this year. But there are a lot of little things too.

Little things like performing in my first opera. And the things that some people might overlook, like the movie nights, beach trips, summer days at the pool, and long talks. Staying up until three in the morning listening to choir music, or studying for music theory. I have amazing people in my life, and I am so thankful for every single one of them. So that's how I want to remember this year. Not for all the drama (and oh, there was drama!), the theatrics, or the emotional roller coasters. I want to remember the people. And the time I spent with them. Because that was the best part. Those are the parts worth remembering.

So to wrap it up, I would just like to say I hope you have a Happy New Year. I hope you have as many happy memories from 2009 as I do, and may you have many more in 2010!