Saturday, January 2, 2010

Nothing like a smack in the face to wake you up...

I saw this picture on a blog I follow called notebook doodles. As soon as I read it, I thought "HELLO! DUH!" I love when simple things like artsy pictures on random blogs just totally bombard me with truth. It immediately made me think about all the things I complain about not having (new boots, jeans that fit, a digital camera that works, a boyfriend, to name a few), and how stupid it is when I have so many other things to be thankful for (millions of pairs of shoes and plenty of clothes, half of which I don't even wear, amazing friends, the chance to go to college). I think about it and realize, man, I'm really ungrateful sometimes. Actually, I'm really ungrateful a lot of the time. And even when I seem like I'm being grateful, I'm probably still, in some corner of my mind, thinking about all the other things I could get that would make me "more" grateful.

So yeah, that's my thought for the day. What thing that you don't have gets in the way of your appreciation for the things you do have? I think it's a phenomena that goes unnoticed, until a nice little ditty like this comes along to awaken us to the fact that we are totally caught up in our greed. Darn you American dream! But in all seriousness, we can't really place the blame on anyone or anything but ourselves. I guess you can add that to my list of non-new year's resolutions resolutions. Stop being greedy and start being grateful!