Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Just for Fun

I know a lot of people hate these things, but I love them. Not only do I love reading other people's responses and learning more about them, I love thinking about my own answers to the questions and learning a little bit more about myself (as cheesy and weird as that sounds). I'm in a talky mood, so I'm sorry if my answers get long-winded! (Note: I took some questions out, so that is why there are numbers missing!)

1. what is your current obsession?
Making lists and pondering my future. And being nerdy. I am actually really looking forward to the start of a new semester!

2. what are you wearing today?
Jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt

3. what’s for dinner?
Um, I think I ate broccoli...oh yeah, and a PB&J!

4. what’s the last thing you bought?
Boots on

5. what are you listening to right now?
Nothing, and it's way too quiet. I will be starting up some music promptly. What it will be, I have no idea! Probably the (500) Days of Summer soundtrack. Or something on Pandora. Yeah, probably Pandora.

7. if you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
That's tough. How about if I could have many houses? I would have to say Colorado, Washington (the state), South Carolina, NYC, and Boston. And Chicago. And California. I think that's it.

8. one thing you wanna change about yourself?
Be more outgoing.

9. if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
California...the beach specifically.

10. which language do you want to learn?

11. what’s your favourite quote?
"I'm just what I am, that's all." - Death of a Salesman

14. what are you afraid of the most?

15. who do you want to meet right now?
A (single) millionaire! (Missy, that one is for you!)

16. what is your favourite color?
Um, green, I think. I don't really have a favorite color. It may be pink, but I'm kind of in denial about that.

18. what is your dream job?

19. what’s your favorite magazine?

20. if you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
I would probably save it. But if I HAD to spend it, it would be on clothes.

22. who according to you is the most over-rated writer?
Stephenie Meyer. Twilight may be insanely successful, but I think we all know teenage girls are probably not the best judges of literary merit.

23. what brings a smile on your face instantly?
Hmmm. I'm not sure. Probably my friends.

24. a word that you say a lot?
Crap. Or some synonym of that.

25. what kind of haircut do you prefer?
One that is flattering on the person wearing it. I hate when people have bad hair.

26. what are you going to do after this?
Read or watch a movie. It is 12:21 PM after all.

27. what do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?
Listen to music of the depressing, emo variety.

28. what makes you go wild?
Pretty much everything. Good things, bad things. I'm very excitable. haha.

29. what are your favourite movies?
The Notebook, The Family Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Lord of the Rings, Breakfast at Tiffany' name a few.

30. what inspires you?
Pictures, movies, books, music, watching behind-the-scenes featurettes.

31. what do your friends call you most commonly?
Becky, Becks, Beck.

32. would you prefer coffee or tea?
Coffee. Tea freaks me out, but I won't go into that now.

33. which other blogs do you love visiting?
A lot of them. My friends blogs of course, and various others.

34. favorite dessert/sweet?
Cheesecake. I don't think I've ever said no to cheesecake.

35. how many tabs are turned on in your browser right now?
I LOVE TABS! I only have 8 right now, which is pretty low for me.

36. when you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
"What's cookin', good lookin'?" Not really. I have no idea! Maybe "good morning."

37. favorite season?

38. one wish that you really want to see it come true?
Hmmm. Um. Marrying a millionaire, DUH! But in all honesty, I want to have my own apartment/house at some point. I love the idea of having my own space to decorate all cute and such!

39. what breaks your heart?
Invisible Children

40. what's one thing you really want to do in life?
Make a lot of money then give it all away.


Melissa said...

a) thanks for the millionaire shout-out
b) broccoli and PB&J is a weird dinner combo
c) I love these things too :)