Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I have never been one to make new year's resolutions. Most people are lucky if they can even stick with them through the end of January. For that reason, I usually don't bother. But this blog post by Donald Miller gave me a new perspective on the whole thing. He suggests, rather than making the usual list of items like "lose ten pounds," we should think of our goals in a story-oriented way. For example, his goal is to be able to climb Mt. Hood with some of his friends. The idea of standing at the top of an 11,000+ foot mountain is definitely a more appealing goal than just trying to lose weight. It also helps that he has other people counting on him to be there to climb the mountain with him. With your pride on the line, you may be a little more motivated to get to work and get in shape.

I highly suggest reading the whole post. It definitely changed the way I think about setting goals, and I'm definitely planning on putting his advice to use in my own life.

Also, here is another little snippet about goal setting from one of the pastors at Riverview:

Do you make new year's resolutions? Have you ever been successful in accomplishing one (or more than one)? Leave a comment and let me know!