Monday, November 2, 2009

I want to get away, I wanna fly away (yeah, yeah, yeah)

In the past couple years, I have found myself more and more interested in the idea of leaving Michigan and heading West. With Into the Wild and other similar movies being released recently, I find my train of thought often leads me back to this idea of dropping everything and going to live a life free of materialistic constraints. Of course, I have never actually done this. The part of my brain that deals with logic tells me this would be absolutely insane. Yet the idea never goes away. It's always there. Right now, I am way too content in my little bubble to consider doing anything drastic, and I have way too many "logical" reasons not too:

1) I'm in college. And even though I might joke about dropping out, I will feel much better about myself if I actually completed some sort of degree (which at the rate I'm going, could take my entire lifetime). I think this is a pretty good reason.
2) My friends and family. I like 'em. A lot. I don't think I could leave them, at least not at this point in my life
3) I have no money. That definitely puts a damper on anything. Of course, if I sold all my possessions, that could help, but I would never do that (see #4).
4) I love my stuff too much. I'm kind of materialistic. I like my stuff. Although lately, I have kinda just wanted to get rid of a lot of it, I have a feeling even if I cleaned out the stuff I definitely don't use, there would still be a lot of stuff left.
* On a side note, I want to dress the materialistic thing. When I was thinking about this post, and materialism and Into the Wild, I was thinking about how being materialistic is something that is primarily associated with females. I feel like sometimes we are expected to be in love with our stuff. If a girl went all Chris McCandless and got rid of everything and went on some sort of "journey," people would think she was crazy, but if a guy does it, well, people would probably still think he was crazy, but not in the same way. I don't know if that makes any sense, but that was just a tangent I felt I needed to go on.
5) I'm too self-conscious. I think a lot about what other people think of me. A lot. I'm not really sure whether my self-consciousness levels are normal or not, but I feel like they're definitely up there.

So maybe someday, I will be able to get away. I probably won't abandon everything in a totally liberating fashion, but for as long as I can remember, I have wanted to leave Michigan, and I definitely want to someday. I know I have a lot of friends who plan to live here the rest of their lives, and who love the idea of settling down here, and that's great if for them if it's what they want! But for me, I don't want to stay here. I have never wanted to stay here (well, maybe when I was five). Not that I don't like it here, but I want to see more of the world (well, mostly just more of this country). If it were humanly possible, I would live at least a year in every state. I think that would be awesome. The differences in cultures and scenery fascinates me. Even though I may not be able to live in every state, I definitely at least want to visit them all.
And most of all, I want to step outside my comfort zone. I'm the queen of the comfort zone, and that's not something I'm proud of. Though I really don't like moving (moving into my dorm room is stressful for me), I want to move when I grow up. More than once. Though I like the idea of staying in one place forever, I like the idea of experience new and different places. I get bored easily. I don't think I used to. I think it's a new development. But we won't go into that now.
The best part is, if I do ever get out of here, I will always have friends here. That's why we need the people who want to stay where they are. They are the ones we can come home to. They are the ones that keep us grounded when we are running around following our dreams.

So I guess the point of this post was to talk about what my plans for the future are? But really, it's not up to me at all, it's all up to God, which makes this all totally irrelevant. But hey, now you know a little bit more about me (if you actually read this whole thing–I wouldn't blame you if you didn't, I probably wouldn't, haha)!