Thursday, November 5, 2009

Top of the world

I know I wrote about this a few weeks ago, but I felt the need to talk about this again. I have been in an unusually good mood lately. I mean, I'm generally in a pretty decent mood, but lately I feel like nothing can bring me down. In the midst of failing music theory quizzes and exams, rainy weather, and just an over-all stressful schedule of classes, rehearsals, and other activities, I have managed (inexplicably) to maintain a rather good-humored disposition. I have watched my friends stress out and freak out, and yet I have been totally unfazed.

I can't explain it. All I can do is give thanks to God for the fact that instead of riding the emotional roller coaster I have some how gotten on the Ferris wheel, and I'm stuck at the top (in the best possible way). It's like the phrase "don't sweat the small stuff" has finally become a reality in my life, and it is the best feeling! I don't know what it is, but I am so very grateful for it, and I hope that it lasts!

As I sit here writing this, the sun is shining outside, and Beaumont Tower is playing the fight song, and all I can do is thank God for the multitude of ways in which he has blessed me.

I'm sorry if you are not in a good mood, or if you're not having a good week. Maybe if we hang out, some of my joy will rub off on you! :D Joyful. That's really the only word to describe how I have felt these past couple months. My hope is that everyone I know will be able to experience this, even for a second, because it is the best feeling.

This post may win the award for most rambling post ever, but I simply cannot contain the glee that I feel, and I just felt the need to share it with everyone! So I'm sorry if this post is boring. It's purpose was mostly cathartic.


Caitlin said...

It's because you're back here with all of us :) hahahah